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About Us

Dr. Viswanathan Iyer

DNB (Neurosurgery), FNS (Japan), M.Sc (France)

Dr Viswanathan Iyer, is a Brain and Spine Surgeon with special interest in stroke and neuro-intervention.

He completed his MBBS at Grant Medical College with many distinctions and accolades. After his M.S in General Surgery at LTMMC, he joined DNB (Neurosurgery) in Bombay Hospital under Prof S N Bhagwati. He underwent advanced neurosurgical training under the tutelage of many skilled and senior neurosurgeons.

He was sent to Nagoya, Japan for a 6 month Microneurosurgery Fellowship in 2004. Later, he was employed as Neurosurgeon by the Ministry of Health, Brunei and spent a productive 3 years there.

Dr Viswanathan Iyer had the wonderful opportunity of achieving his M.Sc in Neurovascular Diseases offered by Paris-Mahidol University and also did Neuro-Intervention training in Ramathibodi Hospital, Thailand.

The love for his country pulled him back to India despite golden opportunities abroad. He continued his Neuro-Intervention Training under Prof A P Karapurkar, who over the years has treated thousands of patients with neurovascular diseases.


Qualilife Neurosciences is a state of art centre for Neurological disorders. The services offered include all aspects of brain and spine diseases. It is a well-equipped centre with the latest neurosurgery microscope, modern operation theatre and world-class intensive care unit.

It caters to all the sub- specialties like Neuro-oncology, pediatric neurosurgery, neuro trauma, Spinal trauma, complex spinal surgeries, spinal tumors, peripheral nerve surgery and neuro rehabilitation medicine.

Neurological conditions like stroke, demyelination, multiple sclerosis, meningitis, enchepalitis etc are also treated by expert team.
The team at Qualilife Neuroscinces is led by Dr Viswanathan Iyer, Chief Neurosurgeon and Managing Director.

Services Available


Mumbai, Maharashtra

24 / 7


Thane, Maharashtra

24 / 7

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